"Information & communication" B.A. Presentation in English

The "information & communication" B.A. provides a multi-disciplinary training in the field of communications and media. Based on linguistics, psychology, sociology, political science and anthropology, which have shaped the French "sciences of information and communication" approach, the B.A. courses give students a practical and reflexive insight into text, speech, sound and image, via the essential social functions of information, communication, creative and cultural mediation. The teachings are set in the broader field of humanities and social science but also provide significant overview of management skills, technological aspects, contemporary art and literature. The "information & communication" B.A. is a first cycle degree that is both professionally oriented and a sturdy passageway to further studies.

Foreign students are welcomed, and their integration is favorised by a well established system of equivalences. Although, because all the courses are taught in French, skills in French language must be perfect. In the same way, because the program reaches its quota every year, the selection is quite tough (evaluation criteria : academic excellence, originality of the candidature, written skills, motivation).

Head : Hélène CARDY, Maitre de conférences (helene.cardy@univ-paris8.fr)
Office : Alison FREZAL, assistant (licence.infocom@univ-paris8.fr)